FAQ about Indoor Home Hydroponic Garden

실내 홈 수경 정원

When I start planting with an indoor home hydroponic garden, do I have to be limited to seasonal plants?

억스그로우 indoor home hydroponic garden is equally effective in all weather and atmospheric conditions, so you can grow any of the above vegetables in it, no matter what time of year.

What plants can I plant in the Auxgrow indoor home hydroponic garden?

Leafy vegetables, tender leafy vegetables and herbs can be grown, such as lettuce or arugula, spinach basil, mint, sage, etc.

Can other plants be planted in the indoor home hydroponic garden?

In addition to planting seedlings from seeds, potted plants (such as herbs or flowers) can also be placed in the Auxgrow indoor home hydroponic garden- they can be perfectly kept fresh for several weeks.

I’m often away from home or away for a few days: can I start growing up?

Sure! Before you leave, please provided that ensure enough water in the water tank and this amount of nutrient solution will last for about 30 days. This time may be slightly different depending on the type of crops planted and the season when planting is started. In summer, plants need more water to grow normally. Under the most unfavorable conditions, a full container of water should be available for about 2 weeks.

How often is the smart soil replaced?

The well-equipped planting of cotton is enough to meet the whole cultivation cycle from sowing to harvesting. The new smart soil is only needed when the next planting begins.

How long can I harvest my fresh vegetables?

Usually about 2-3 weeks, the young leaves can be picked and eaten. After 3-4 weeks, the plants reach full size.

Is it needed to scatter young seedlings?

At the beginning of planting, we planted as many seeds as possible to prevent some seeds from sprouting or slow emergence. A few days after seedling emergence, we can decide whether to remove non-germinating seeds or plants with poor growth.

Will continuous operation hurt the LED lighting module?

The LED lighting used in our indoor home hydroponic garden is especially suitable for repetitive work: 16-hourdaymode-8-hournightmode. The user can set the start time (lighting) of the cycle, but the working time of the LED module remains unchanged.

AUXGROW의 디지털 마케팅 관리자인 Jayes는 수경 재배 시스템에 대한 열정과 LED 재배 조명에 대한 전문 지식을 결합합니다. 실무 경험과 깊은 이해를 바탕으로 Jayes는 지속 가능한 재배의 세계로 여러분을 안내합니다.

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No.801 Qiaoxing Avenue, Shatou Street,
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