바 LED 성장 조명

높은 광 출력: Auxgrow bar LED grow lights GB01A06R are built up with Samsung and Osram LED chips. Its output is up to 2.9µmol/J and 1856µmol/s.

우수한 방열: Our LED greenhouse lights have a unique look and sturdy design with high-quality 6063 pure aluminum material and each heat sink weigh over 1kg to ensure the light has good heat dissipation.

0-100% 밝기 조절 가능 & 데이지 체인: Bar LED grow lights come with the VD-100 dimming controller, up to 50 light fixtures can be controlled at the same time, as well as to set up the on/off timing, sunrise/sunset transition.

IP65 방수: LED greenhouse lights are coated evenly. The solid glue process on each chip can avoid moisture effectively and resist dust, preventing the diode from being oxidized by air.

애플리케이션: 과일, 채소, 화훼, 특용작물, 잎이 많은 식물, 과수, 묘목, 번식, 혼합광, 보조식물, 약용식물, 실내정원, 화분식물, 농경지, 온실식물, 관로재배, 화훼류 등

philips led grow light bar

About Bar LED Grow Lights GB01A06R

Power: 640W

Dimension: 1150*80*100mm

PPF: 1856μmol/s

PPE: 2.9μmol/J

삼성 및 오스람 LED

Full spectrum 3000K+5000K + 660nm + 450nm

입력 전압: AC100-277V, 277-480V 옵션

민웰 LED 드라이버

역률: 0.98

디밍: 손잡이 조광기 + RJ14 포트

조명 범위: 1250mm × 800mm

등급: IP65

수명: 54,000시간

wholesale led grow light bar
삼성 LED 성장등바

Indoor greenhouse and full spectrum all year round, you can harvest more crops and less energy! Bar LED grow lights can be used as a LED grow supplementary light source for plants or as all the light sources required by plants. This series of products are suitable for breeding periods, vegetation, flowering, fruiting, etc. This kind of bar LED grow lights is very suitable for any indoor garden where crops grow. This size is 45.28 inches long and only 3.94 inches wide, which will create fewer shadows for your crops!

These Auxgrow LED greenhouse lights are the latest product for horticulture. With its impressive expertise in LED technology, this medical-grade device is specially designed for commercial growers. GB01A06R is designed to compete with the top grow lights on the market. and It provides passive cooling and full-spectrum, large-coverage light for long-term growth with a high output of 1856μmol/s PPFD and an impressive efficacy of 2.9μmol/J per watt.

IP65 방수

Our bar LED grow lights are coated evenly. The solid glue process on each chip can avoid moisture effectively and resist dust, preventing the diode from being oxidized by air. No need to worry about the humid planting environment damaging the LED plant grow light.

single bar led grow light

높은 광 출력

Auxgrow GB01A03R is built up with Samsung and Osram LED chips. The bar LED grow lightsoutput is up to 2.9µmol/J and 928µmol/s. High efficiency of electricity to light not only saves your bill but increases your yield at the same time. It is a top-lighting solution for commercial applications, ideal for all phases of plant growth. It is widely used in greenhouses, indoor farms and even suitable for home growers.

전체 스펙트럼 LED 라이트 바

우수한 방열

LED greenhouse lights have a unique look and sturdy design with high-quality 6063 pure aluminum material and each heat sink weighs over 1kg to ensure the light has good heat dissipation. Excellent heat dissipation performance can quickly dissipate heat inside and outside the lamp to avoid high temperatures during use and extend the service life. Auxgrow bar LED grow lights can help you save more energy and money.

식물 재배를 위한 LED 라이트 바
전체 스펙트럼 LED 바

AUXGROW의 디지털 마케팅 관리자인 Jayes는 수경 재배 시스템에 대한 열정과 LED 재배 조명에 대한 전문 지식을 결합합니다. 실무 경험과 깊은 이해를 바탕으로 Jayes는 지속 가능한 재배의 세계로 여러분을 안내합니다.


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