Smart Garden System: I have the look you want

Imagine the following scenario: a homemade Taiwanese three-cup chicken is stirring in a casserole dish, humming a little song, and you pluck a few fresh and tender basil leaves from thesmart garden systemat hand, sniff the aroma, put it into the pot, and cover it. Immediately, spices and ingredients penetrate each other, and the aroma fills the kitchen. You stand on the sidelines and sigh, this is life.

And to achieve such a beautiful effect, it only takes 3 steps: plug in the power supply, add water in advance, and wait for the vegetables to grow on their own. (Yes, all omitted from those who watered and fertilized every day to illuminate what was illuminated!) )

So you should be able to understand why I love thissmart garden systemcalled Indoor Smart Garden so much because growing vegetables is so smart!

smart garden system

A few cute spots

Plants or any combination of love kitchen productsfinger pepper, coriander, basil leaf, strawberry, mint. In addition to the eye-nourishing plants, the design of the appearance of the vegetable garden is fashionable and simple, and it can be used as home furnishings to purify the air. No need to worry about food safety, pesticide overdose, or lack of skills as your owngardener. Meanwhile, it saves time and effort, just add water and the plants will grow on their own, just as simple as using a coffee machine.

How exactly is such a simple way of growing achieved? The answer lies in the fact that the water and soil of the base of the potted plant are separated. The R&D personnel collect a lot of data on the water, light, and nutrients needed by each plant, and then, build algorithms to direct the right amount of water into the soil every day. The LED 성장 조명 on the top of the plant will also provide proper illumination to ensure the growth of the plant.

Smart Garden System

This product is not hit the indoor environment optimization needs of urban residents, if you need to come to us quickly, we are a smart garden system manufacturer, that accurately meets your needs!

AUXGROW의 디지털 마케팅 관리자인 Jayes는 수경 재배 시스템에 대한 열정과 LED 재배 조명에 대한 전문 지식을 결합합니다. 실무 경험과 깊은 이해를 바탕으로 Jayes는 지속 가능한 재배의 세계로 여러분을 안내합니다.

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