How d use plant lights to grow indoor plants and what is the best plant light for indoor plant cultivation?
First, we need to understand the scene and purpose of planting. What kind of plants? What environment (including the planting area)? The purpose of planting?
1 low-light indoor foliage plants, only need very low light and can survive in lower light
best plant light hanging height 2-3m, covering 2.5m in diameter, low light plants hanging higher covering an area up to some
Low light indoor foliage plants, under the ordinary white light, are able to survive, but need to grow well, but also under the professional plant lights, good foliage plant light spectrum, not only high color rendering, easy to watch, there is a slow-growing role, the plant both to maintain the vitality and appearance of beautiful, but also not to grow too fast. Common low light plants: Chinese evergreen, dragon’s blood), English ivy, green wicker, arrowhead vine, scattered anemone (living room palm), swallows nest fern, and queen fern.
2 low light flowering and foliage plants
best plant light hanging height 1.5-2m, covering a diameter of 2m, flowering plants, and foliage plants have a slightly different spectrum Common low light indoor plants: red palm, begonia, hanging orchids, bamboo, monarchs, African violets, cactus, croton, cyclamen, figs, grape ivy, spider plant, etc.
3 High-light ornamental plants
Strawberry, succulent, insectivorous planting, plant light hanging height 0.3m, single light coverage 0.4×1.3m
High light ornamental plants: succulent plants insectivorous plants, roses, gardenias, herbs, hibiscus, jasmine, strawberries, etc.
4 Vegetable planting
best plant light hanging height 0.2-0.4m, PPFD always maintains about 300µmol/m²/s Common vegetable cultivars: various leafy vegetables, such as lettuce, spinach, arugula, basil, radish, strawberry, tomato, pepper, etc.
5 cash crops, medicinal plants, different cash crops light requirements are different, there will not be listed, interested parties can contact Auxgrow
High-light medicinal plants, you can use high-powered plant lights, Bar LED Grow Lights, Inomhus odlingstältbelysning, etc. Economic crops: saffron, dendrobium, medicinal plants, tomatoes, peppers, etc.
If the hanging height can be adjusted, it is recommended to choose the best plant light with more power, so that it can be downward compatible and will not produce the problem of insufficient light.
What is the best plant light for indoor plant cultivation? Auxgrow in the plant grow lights are excellent plant lights, choose what you need, choose the most suitable, if you do not know anything, are available to ask us Oh ~ we are a manufacturer of plant grow lights, we provide you with the best plant light.

Som Digital Marketing Manager på AUXGROW kombinerar Jayes en passion för hydroponiska system och expertis inom LED-odlingslampor. Med praktisk erfarenhet och en djup förståelse guidar Jayes dig genom en värld av hållbar odling.