Feelings after experiencing the smart garden system


My first time maybe also expensive, but the thought that in that time I threw so many green plants, purely for fun, with nothing to gain, is to feed the loneliness, which adds up to money is better to buy a smart garden system, the driver clarified, can eat.

The same are hydroponics, ordinary hydroponics, flowers, and vegetables are very beautiful and healing, but if planted for a while there will be mosquitoes, dusty, forget to water on dry death and more watering on drowning. But hydroponics plus high-purity nutrient solution, I planted lettuce for most of the month cannot be finished, and the head is getting bigger and bigger, now pick now eat, absolutely fresh.

Simple operation

The first day to put the seeds, add water, germination, add nutrient solution, a key to open, light, oxygen, water cycle automatically opened at regular intervals, almost just sitting and waiting for a good harvest. Efficient and environmentally friendly, even if I worry about a few days outside, I do not have to worry about the flowers and plants at home.

No need for sunlight

Perhaps there are many families are like me living in a place where light is particularly low, wanting to raise flowers and vegetables is basically difficult, and a smart garden system is the use of an مصباح نمو النبات LED to plant light, that is to say, you can be put in any one place, without moving potted plants chasing the sunlight.

smart garden system

Plant as you like

Whether you want to plant fruit trees or flowers can be planted, 12-hole free arrangement and combination, you can plant whatever you want.

Very delicious

Planted not dead can grow, but not ugly also look good, are only secondary. The main thing is that what is planted is also very tasty. No soil pollution, no heavy metals, no pesticides, and pests, from picking to eating in just a few minutes, fresh and healthy.

Really recommended, the smart garden system is really good, convenient for us to grow fruits and vegetables and flowers at the same time, but also for us to save a lot of time, will not be due to a variety of environmental factors that affect the growth of plants, but also let us harvest full!

بصفته مديرًا للتسويق الرقمي في AUXGROW، يجمع Jayes بين شغف أنظمة الزراعة المائية والخبرة في مصابيح LED للنمو. من خلال الخبرة العملية والفهم العميق، يرشدك جايز عبر عالم الزراعة المستدامة.

شارك هذا المنشور مع أصدقائك

أحدث المنتجات

الصمام الدفيئة تنمو الضوء
الصمام الذكية تنمو تحكم الضوء
جهاز التحكم الذكي LED Grow Light

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