Intelligent hydroponic plant system to cultivate cabbage

I’ve always wanted to grow a la carte food on the balcony, first as an after-work leisure activity, and secondly, to decorate the balcony. I decided to plant a short growth cycle of cabbage, I purchased some intelligent hydroponic plant system, really convenient, the original traditional hydroponics, really want to raise well or need a certain technology, and if you use an intelligent hydroponic plant system, even if you are hydroponic small white, you can also directly get started.

From soaking, germination, and transplanting, it only takes a week and then waiting to grow. The daughter asked why.

What is this little black grain?” “Cabbage seeds;

What are seeds for?” “Growing cabbage;

How come there are white spots on the black spots?” “Sprouted;

What does germination mean?” “…, germination is germination, a necessary stage before it grows into a seedling”و “Oh, I see”.

What is this water for?” “It’s called a nutrient solution.

Which nutrient solution is what?” “Feed the cabbage;

Food? Cabbage and don’t eat?” “。。。。” I poured.


After a week, the cabbage will grow up, we don’t use pesticides to catch pests, we don’t need to fertilize him, the smart hydroponic plant system has arranged the cabbage, so every day after work I just look at the growth of my cabbage.

I used to hear that cabbage, eggplant, peppers, etc. will basically have no grain if they are not pesticides, and if the greengrocer says that so-and-so cabbage has not been sprayed with pesticides, it is basically a lie. But if it is changed to now, if it is to use a smart hydroponic plant system, I will really believe it, because I have already experienced it myself.

Or the intelligent نظام النباتات المائية is good, clean, fast, and pest-free. Every day my daughter pointed to the little cabbage and said,Look, I have grown up again, I have grown tall again, and I have a sense of accomplishment in my heart.

نظام النباتات المائية

Isn’t it more meaningful to move the time of growing vegetables on the computer to the balcony to grow vegetables?! As a hydroponic enthusiast, I can assure you that this hydroponic equipment is really good and guarantees that you can find fun in it while growing vegetables.

If you want to pass the time by growing vegetables, hydroponic equipment is really worth trying.

بصفته مديرًا للتسويق الرقمي في AUXGROW، يجمع Jayes بين شغف أنظمة الزراعة المائية والخبرة في مصابيح LED للنمو. من خلال الخبرة العملية والفهم العميق، يرشدك جايز عبر عالم الزراعة المستدامة.

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