Detail of using LED grow lights

It can be said that LED růstová světla are another sun for plants. It is accurate, efficient, low-consumption, cost-saving, targeted, and easy to use. To make it icing on the cake, we have the details for you on using LED grow lights.

led pěstební světla

The scientific installation of LED plant grow lights can effectively improve their effect and reflect their value. Therefore, in order to ensure the supplementary light intensity required by plants, we have given some suggestions on the placement of LED grow lights and the irradiation time.

LED růstová světla distance

Using LED plant grow lights, first of all, we should place them as vertically above the plant as possible, but the distance should be set according to the power of the grow light. Generally, the closer the distance between the grow light and the plant, the higher the light, and the use rate is also higher. Use LED plant grow lights to fill in light because LEDs generate less heat and will not burn plants, they can be irradiated at close range, and the closest distance must be greater than 10 cm.

LED grow lights illumination time

LED plant grow lights

According to the different growth periods of different plants and different growth environments, the required light time is also different accordingly. The light is not strong, that is, the indoor light intensity of the sun astigmatism is usually sunny on a sunny day, and the fill light time should be more than 3 hours; on the balcony with less than 4 hours of light, the fill light time should be more than 6 hours; the backlight and indoors without sunlight should be more than 10 hoursfill light.

Generally, the supplementary light time of plants should be longer during the growth period, and the dormancy time should be less. On cloudy, rainy, and foggy days, more than 12 hours of supplementary light should be used. Plants perform photosynthesis during the day and glow at night, so a small amount of light is added at night.

What else do you want to know about the use of LED grow lights? We are professional LED grow light manufacturers, if you have any needs, you can consult us.

Jako digitální marketingový manažer ve společnosti AUXGROW spojuje Jayes vášeň pro hydroponické systémy a odborné znalosti v oblasti LED pěstebních světel. Díky praktickým zkušenostem a hlubokému porozumění vás Jayes provede světem udržitelného pěstování.

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