Seed starter grow light is an efficient, safe, and environmentally friendly source of light specially designed for indoor plants. It’s perfect for growers who want to cultivate their favorite plants at home. As a full-spectrum small indoor grow light, it covers the wide spectrum of red, orange, and purple light that plants need. It is also coupled with a built-in flicker reduction system and output matching technology, which maximizes its performance without any flickering or buzzing sound.
The Full Spectrum Seed Starter Grow Light is a highly efficient, full spectrum grow light designed to cover the spectral range of the photosynthetic spectrum and output incredible light power. It can be used as an indoor grow lights for houseplants, greenhouse hydroponics growing system horticultural lamp, solar energy system energy-saving lamp to replace conventional light sources in all indoor applications.
Seed Starter Grow Light VG22 100W
Power: 100W
Size: 323*260*65mm
Power: 100W±5%
PPF: 270µmol/s
PPE: 2.7µmol/J
Účiník: 0,98
Čipy: Samsung LM301B
Vstupní napětí: Standardní 100-277V/277-480V Volitelné
Spektrum: 3000K+5000K+ Červené světlo 660nm +730nm IR
Drive: Dimming UL certified drive
Pracovní teplota: -20℃-40℃
Životnost: >50 000 hodin
Stmívatelné + RJ port
Daisy chain dimming for commercial growers to control the seed starter grow light by group. Dimmable with on/off switch function, you can dim power range from 0% to 100%. Daisy chain connect up to 30 small indoor grow light and control them together.
IP65 Vodotěsný
Waterproof LED board is safer for indoor growing. Our indoor grow lights for houseplants are coated evenly. Solid glue process on each chip can avoid moisture effectively and resist dust, prevents the diode from being oxidized by air.
Skvělé spektrum
The spectrum of seed starter grow light infinite close to natural sun light adopts Samsung LM301b diodes, high energy efficiency with 2.7μmol/J, generates more usable lighting per watt and provides better light canopy penetration.
Jako digitální marketingový manažer ve společnosti AUXGROW spojuje Jayes vášeň pro hydroponické systémy a odborné znalosti v oblasti LED pěstebních světel. Díky praktickým zkušenostem a hlubokému porozumění vás Jayes provede světem udržitelného pěstování.