Top 3 LED Plant Grow Lights brands in the UK in 2022

In the UK, large and small brands of LED plant grow lights make you unable to distinguish which LED plant growth lights are cheaper. More cost-effective, or more worthy of your money to buy. Through this article, you will know which LED plant growth lamp brand you should choose.

They are actually worthy of your trust, you do not need to struggle, just need to choose a most suitable LED plant grow light for your plant.

The top three UK LED plant grow lights brands

1 Gavita

2 Spider Farmer

3 Telos


UK led grow lights

Gavita is the world’s largest professional horticultural lighting company. Projects range from single installations to large greenhouses with over 100,000 installations serving the retail, research, and specialty horticulture markets. Rooted in gardening, but since 2010, they have focused more on retail. Developing products for residential and small businesses while also supporting projects in new markets. Their products have become the industry standard. Gavita products are the gold standard in lighting, offering unmatched reliability, the lowest cost of ownership, and the best return on investment.

Hlavní produkt:

Gavita Pro 1700e LED

Gavita CT 2000e LED EU 230-400 V

Gavita UVR LED

Gavita CT 1930e LED 120-277V

Pavoučí farmář

Spider Farmer has been an innovation leader in LED plant light manufacturing since 2009, and the brand Spider Farmer has proven to be a popular and well-known product among global customers in today’s market. LED plant grow lights have CE, RoHS certification for the EU market, ETL, and UL lists for North America (including the USA and Canada). Is a self-sustaining company, so research, design, development, production, and testing are carried out by its own team of experts, striving to maintain a partnership with all teams involved in all aspects of THE MANUFACTURE OF LED plant growth lights. Every element that enters the product must pass rigorous performance and durability testing. There are overseas warehouses that provide local repair centers with 5 years of after-sales service (USA/Canada/UK/Germany/Australia).

Hlavní produkt:

Spider Farmer® SF300 33W LED plant growth light

Spider Farmer® SF600 74W LED Plant Growth Light LED Shelf Lighting

Spider Farmer® SF7000 650W Foldable LED Plant Light LED Refrigeration Lighting

Spider Farmer® G300W cost-effective full spectrum LED plant light


LED plant light

Telos is a British biosystems engineering company specializing in photobiological lighting solutions. Since 2011, we have designed and manufactured high-quality LED systems for commercial horticultural and advanced medical applications. All Telos systems are designed for safe, reliable and efficient operation under harsh greenhouse conditions. The same mechanical robustness and forward-looking design philosophy ensure that our systems comply with GMP and GAP standards, making it the best choice for the stringent control required for advanced medical horticultural projects. The complete Telos series is designed to be sustainable and easy to repair, upgrade or recycle

Hlavní produkt:

Telos Pro Mesh

Telos Pro Slimline

Telos V1.1

If you are looking for a reliable and reputable company in China to buy LED grow lights, I can tell you with certainty that Auxgrow is worthy of your trust.


LED plant grow lights

Se silným systémem dodavatelského řetězce lze získat nejnižší ceny surovin. Zaručená nabídka nejlepší ceny všem zákazníkům po celém světě bez kompromisů v kvalitě. LED čipy od Samsungu, OSRAM a dalších světových špičkových výrobců. Ovladače LED pocházejí od společností Mean Well, Inventronic atd. Všechny ovladače LED jsou certifikovány UL. Vždy mějte zásoby surovin pro rychlou reakci na zahájení výroby a dodání až 3 000 kusů za 20 dní. Díky úzké spolupráci s DHL a velkými přepravními linkami můžeme poskytovat přepravní služby s nižšími náklady.

Hlavní produkt:

Nastavitelné spektrum LED Grow Light

Komerční LED růstová světla

Plnospektrální růstová světla pro pokojové rostliny

Závěsné rostlinné světlo

Hydroponická LED růstová světla

We provide you with reliable information so that you can find trustworthy UK led grow lights so that you and your plants do not have to worry, and we can also ensure that if you are looking for the best led grow light in China, we can definitely give you the best products and services

Jako digitální marketingový manažer ve společnosti AUXGROW spojuje Jayes vášeň pro hydroponické systémy a odborné znalosti v oblasti LED pěstebních světel. Díky praktickým zkušenostem a hlubokému porozumění vás Jayes provede světem udržitelného pěstování.

Sdílejte tento příspěvek se svými přáteli

Poslední produkty

Skleníkové LED Grow Light
inteligentní LED růstový ovladač
Inteligentní ovladač LED Grow Light

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