LED adjustable spectrum grow light FC06-2 is designed with UV, enhanced blue and red light. UV and red & blue light are independently adjustable. Auxgrow FC06-2 enhances the spectrum of each stage. The enhanced blue light speeds up seedling emergence during the seedling stage; The enhanced red light speeds up flowering during the flowering stage; The enhanced red light and UV promote fruit ripening and sterilization during the fruiting stage.
Erinomainen lämmönpoisto
Equipped with a thickened aluminum heat sink to ensure efficient heat dissipation, LED adjustable spectrum grow light is specially designed for indoor growing to provide a healthy growing environment for your plants.
Amazing Uniformity
The light intensity stays the same from edge to edge under the LED adjustable spectrum grow light. A wide optical system creates a different light pattern than ordinary full-spectrum plant lights and improves performance by providing uniform light coverage from left to right.
Uniquely Designed Spectrum
It is equipped with a unique spectrum that can be used throughout the plant’s life cycle. Auxgrow FC06-2 enhances the spectrum of each stage. Houseplant grow light is designed with UV, enhanced blue and red light. UV and red & blue light are independently adjustable.
Triple Folding Design
UV grow lights for plants are composed of 3 parts of uniform size, each of which can be folded 180°. This design helps us to ship and packaging more easily, and save costs. The optimized compact design can reduce 40% shipping cost than traditional LED grow light.
AUXGROW:n digitaalisen markkinointipäällikkönä Jayes yhdistää intohimon hydroponiikkajärjestelmiin ja asiantuntemuksen LED-kasvatusvaloista. Käytännön kokemuksella ja syvällä ymmärryksellä Jayes opastaa sinut kestävän viljelyn maailman läpi.