Come pulire le luci progressive a LED?

LED grow lights


LED grow lights are an essential tool for indoor planting, and they are a little more expensive to purchase and operate compared to other lights. Many growers will have the headache of how to effectively extend the life of Luci di coltivazione a LED O do LED grow lights save electricity.

However, from dust to soil, from foliar sprays to insecticides, your lights will quickly get dirty. Unbeknownst to you, an unclean surface is a direct impact on the efficiency of your cannabis lampe LED.

If you do not keep cleaning light fixtures regularly, you’ll get an expensive electricity bill, and your garden’s health is at risk. All of the lights clean can emit up to 20% more light than a dirty one while consuming the same amount of energy. Why not make the lights work better with a simple cleaning?

Here, AUXGROW will discuss how to clean LED grow lights. Helping you understand the importance of maintaining your lighting and implementing cleaning. The best way to clean light fixtures is ideal for home grow and commercial grow maintenance.

Lighting clean is one of the important things of cleaning grow tents. Let’s get started!

how far should a grow light be from plants
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Why Do I Need To Clean LED Grow lights?

It’s not like you can just turn on the LED grow light for cannabis and be done with it and sit back and wait to harvest good-looking cannabis. It just doesn’t work. Lack of regular maintenance of any light fixture is going to expose growers to a whole host of hassles.

  • Lack of maintenance of LED plant grow lights consume the same amount of electricity but have insufficient light output
  • The increased cost of operating electricity
  • Reduced plant vigor
  • Stems and branches of plants become brittle
  • Reduced resistance of plants to pests and diseases
  • LED lights deteriorate and cause fires
Do you want to check them out immediately now? Hold your horses for a while. It seems that you also highly value your grow light fixtures.
Let’s take a look at why we need to clean the LED lights for growing marijuana, it will be better to understand all this before acting, which will not need to run around looking for relevant data.

6 Reasons You Should Clean Your LED Grow Lights

How long do LED grow lights last? We all known that cannabis LED lights can last 5 to 7 years before they need to be replaced. It means that they can light up your garden for the next 7 years without having to replace any components. Obviously, your lights take too long to get dirty without the maintenance!

Optimal Performance

As with electrical appliances, performance is at its best when bought new. Likewise, the cleaner the plant lights are, the better they will perform.

LEDs outperform other plant lights in terms of efficacy and efficiency. If you let them get dirty, they will get too hot. They that get too hot will affect their ability to convert energy into light, potentially endangering your plants.

Keeping High Yields

Dirty lights = blocked light = poor light = lower yields

Although it is said that homegrown crops are only sometimes the way to obtain economic benefits when your high yield grow lights get dirty as a direct result of lower yields, you’ll soon see if it’s all worth it.

As for professional greenhouse growers, there are many things in gardening, so do not make it harder on yourself!

Keeping Safe

Keeping your LED grow light weed clean and free from dust and dirt is not only for your plants but for your safety. Some growers are still using the HID. it has run very hot without dust and dirt buildup.

Extending The Life Span

In addition to their incredible efficacy, LED grow lamps have an amazing lifespan. However, the buildup of dirt/dust/sticky substances can not only impair their ability to deliver light to plants but also shorten their lifespan. And you should not be leaving grow lights on 24 hours.

Reduce Your Workload

One day you will be forced to clean them or throw them away. The long-term buildup of dirt is really annoying because it takes you longer to wipe them off. Combined with your chronic lack of maintenance, putting pressure on the diodes to clean them increases the risk of failure damage. But with regular cleaning, it takes less than a minute to clean your lights.

Reducing Allergies

In fact, allergies are the sixth most common chronic disease among Americans. Dust and dust are normal allergens. Cleaning your LED grow lights can help prevent visitors and family members from spending time in your home without coughing, sneezing or feeling a stuffy nose.

Luci di coltivazione a LED

How To Clean Light Fixtures?

Having the right cleaning tools to get the job done is very important.

  • Isopropyl alcohol/topical alcohol
  • Non-abrasive towels, such as microfiber cloths
  • Window cleaner or hand towels for glass covers
  • Canned air Canned air
  • Cotton swabs
  • Goggles
  • Face masks
In most cases, isopropyl alcohol or topical alcohol is the safest cleaner. And strong cleaning solutions can even damage the outer layer of the lamp. Please pre-test a small part of the light to make sure your cleaner will not damage it.

Step 1. Before cleaning, please make sure it is unplugged until the light has cooled to ambient temperature. Avoid the burns and electric shocks that sometimes occur when you touch an open light fixture.

Step 2. It is recommended to wear goggles, even a simple pair of cheap sunglasses. Because you have not cleaned your LED grow light for a while, there may be a lot of dust that can irritate your eyes and respiratory tract.

Step 3. Dip a microfiber cloth into isopropyl alcohol or topical alcohol and wipe gently over the diode. Start by applying a small amount and later on you can apply more.

Step 4. If there is no adverse reaction to the plant light, a thorough wipe can be performed. Wipe in a circular motion, especially where the blur is fuzzy and indistinct.

Step 5. Only gentle pressure is needed, as too much pressure can damage the diode. At the same time, you can also remove dust from the frame and driver.

Step 6. Use a cotton swab to wipe some locations you may miss.

Step 7. Add a layer of window cleaner for the glass cover on LED grow lights and wipe it with a soft cotton linen cloth.

Step 8. Let them sit for 30 minutes to an hour to endure until all residual moisture is gone, and reinstall.

Step 9. Before putting the weed lighting back in place, check the fixture for any loose screws, failed grommets, etc.


  • You’d better clean your LED grow light fixture after each harvest.
  • Before cleaning, the first thing to do is to check the pianta coltiva produttori di luceinstructions and follow the instructions in the manual.

How To Clean Non-LED Grow Lights?

While LEDs now dominate the plant grow light field, some growers are still using HID-style plant grow lights. HID bulbs can be cleaned in the same manner as most LEDs. Use a microfiber cloth lightly dampened with isopropyl alcohol/external alcohol to wipe the lamp and its reflector.

Daily Maintenance Of Grow Lights

In addition to regular cleaning, there are a number of things that should be done to keep them in top condition.

  • Use caution when touching the lamp during operation, except for the mainframe.
  • Avoid touching the lamp, diodes, PCB or any other circuit components with your hands or any sharp objects.
  • For thin new LED grow lights like Quantum Board, do not bend them or apply moderate pressure.
  • Avoid pulling on the wires or making any electrical repairs to the lamp when plugged in.
  • When not in use, store the light in a sealed location away from dust and busy indoor areas.
  • When using electrical-related products for the first time, be sure to read the manual and follow the instructions strictly.
  • Avoid high temperature and high humidity environments, which will damage the internal electronic equipment, thus shortening the working time and service life of the LED flowering lights.

Summing Up

I think you’ve got a good handle on how to clean a light fixture.

If you want your LED grow lights to keep working efficiently, clean them!

Remember, any kind of clean fixture can emit up to 20% more light than a dirty one. Cleaning LED fixtures are relatively simple and won’t take you much time.

In qualità di responsabile del marketing digitale presso AUXGROW, Jayes unisce la passione per i sistemi idroponici e l'esperienza nelle luci di coltivazione a LED. Con esperienza pratica e profonda comprensione, Jayes ti guida attraverso il mondo della coltivazione sostenibile.

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