6. mars 2023

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6. mars 2023

T8 LED Grow

Auxgrow T8 LED grow light is a friendly lighting product for indoor plant cultivation. The professional light source for plant growth. 192 LEDs, average photon flux 55±5% umol/s, luminous efficacy 2.0μmol/J. The spectral coverage is wide, and the ratio of red to blue is suitable for each fertility cycle of plants. Quality assurance. This grow light T8 uses an Epistar LED chip. The light of the LED is stable without flickering and suitable for plant growth. Easy to install. You can easily hang these grow tube lights with the included zipper ties or use the clips to secure them to the ceiling. Perfect for indoor growing This vertical grow light tube is ideal for small grow tents, plant grow shelves, seedling cultivation, succulents, hydroponic rooms, greenhouses, flower shows and container gardening, etc. Multiple sizes available: 0.6m (9W), 1.2m (18W), 1.5m (24W), and 2.4m (36W) to meet the needs of users

Vertical LED Grow

3-Layers Foldable Design: Auxgrow vertical LED grow lights are composed of 3 parts of uniform size, each of which can be folded 180°. This design helps us to ship and packaging more easily, and save costs. Flexible Dimming: There is a dimmer knob built right into the folding LED grow light, featured to manipulate the light brightness and intensity at liberty from 0%-100%, provides desired needs for plants in all stages from veg to bloom. Small Body with High Power: The size of vertical LED grow lights FC04E06D is 1110*1100*69mm, allowing you to mount the light in low rooms, on vertical racks, etc. It provides superior delivered PAR output and PPFD and its efficiency are up to 1728μmol/s. Full Spectrum Grow Lights: This artificial light for indoor plants adopts SMD3030 LEDs, provides 3000K warm light color, 5000K daylight color, and 660nm deep red color, which can make the light more

Greindur vatnsræktunartæki

SG16 snjalla vatnsræktunarplantan er frábær vara til að rækta margs konar kryddjurtir, grænmeti, ávexti og grænmeti í eldhúsinu þínu. Það tekur mikla vinnu við að sjá um innandyra plöntur. Allt sem þú þarft að gera er að bæta vatni og litlu magni af næringarlausn í lónið öðru hvoru og plönturnar sjá um sig sjálfar. Það er með innbyggt LED vaxtarljós til að tryggja að plönturnar þínar geti vaxið hvar sem er í húsinu þínu. Mikil aukning hefur orðið á vinsældum þess að rækta plöntur með því að nota greindar vatnsræktunarplöntur á undanförnum árum. Þetta er frábært markaðstækifæri, ef þú hefur áhuga á þessari snjöllu plantnavöru, vinsamlegast hafðu samband við okkur með því að smella á Senda fyrirspurn hér að neðan.

Gróatjald innanhúss

High-Quality Component & High Efficiency: Indoor grow tent lights are equipped with market leader Samsung diodes & Osram deep red diodes, TX02A10R draws 1000 watts, powered by Inventronics LED driver, it delivers PPF Efficacy up to 2.9μmol/J and an average PPFD 2800μmol/s @12" in 5'x5' coverage. Maximum Yield Full Spectrum: Proven high-yield full spectrum (3000K warm white, 5000K white, deep red 660nm) with higher red diodes ratio. Indoor grow tent lights are good for veg bloom and provide plants with enough light from seedling to flowering, born for big buds. Easy Installation & Daisy Chain Dimmable: Assembly splicing design for a small package. This vertical farming LED lighting is hanging installation, especially beneficial both for home growers and commercial growers, suitable for growing tents, indoor warehouses, vertical racks, hydroponic and soil growth. Perfect for Indoor Plants at All Stages: LED grow lights for indoor plants TX02A10R can be used for

Hangandi plöntuljós

Energy Efficiency: Hanging plant light is used with Samsung 3030 diodes, high energy efficiency is up to 2.9μmol/J, light output PPF is 609μmol/s, but it only consumes 210w. Ideal for All Growth Stages: LED grow light panel consists of 3000K warm white light, 5000K white light, 660nm deep red light, and 730nm infrared light. Infinitely close to sunlight, best for all plants at all stages of growth. Good Heat Dissipation: Hanging plant light VG01A02D is equipped with a 4mm thick solid heat sink with space between the heat sink and the LED driver for better heat dissipation. IP65 Waterproof: Our full spectrum light for plants is coated evenly. The solid glue process on each chip can avoid moisture effectively and resist dust, preventing the diode from being oxidized by air. Reliable Service: Auxgrow is an all-in-one LED plant light supplier with 12 years of experience. With powerful and solid technology,

Heima vatnsræktunarjurt

AUXGROW SG50 er ómissandi vara fyrir vatnsræktunarvöruverslanir og stórmarkaði. Ímyndaðu þér hillurnar þínar fullar af freistingu heimaræktaðra kryddjurta, sem gerir viðskiptavinum kleift að njóta þeirrar ánægju að rækta sína eigin basilíku, myntu, steinselju og timjan heima. Þú getur ræktað allt að fjórar mismunandi jurtaplöntur í jurtagarðinum heima á sama tíma, sem tryggir fjölbreytt úrval af bragðtegundum til að koma til móts við mismunandi smekk viðskiptavina. Allt frá ilmandi laufum af basilíku til ríkulegs ilms af timjan, hver jurt sem ræktuð er í settinu getur tekið þig í ilmandi ferðalag og breytt hversdagslegri matreiðslu í yndislega upplifun. Innandyra kryddjurtagarðurinn er líka einstakt og ígrundað gjafaval, sem dreifir gleðinni við að rækta og ánægjuna við að uppskera.

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