September 14, 2024

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September 14, 2024

Auglýsing LED Grow

Full Spectrum Lighting: Perfectly imitating the sun's spectrum. Our commercial LED grow lights won't eat up your energy bill while producing a healthy 2.9μmol/J. Highly energy efficient, our 800w LED grow light's deliver powerful light output resulting in higher yields for your plants. Samsung and Osram LEDs: With over 54,000 Hours Lifespan, the industry-leading Samsung LM301B and Osram 660nm LED's will keep your plants blooming crop after crop. Our horticulture LED grow light is equipped the full color spectrum 3000K 5000K 660nm, they are ideal for all growth stages. Excellent Heat Dissipation: Commercial LED grow lights using the best quality 6063 aluminum material for the light body, the best heat dissipation and touch. Each light weighs 1KG, which is 30% heavier than others. Horizontal and Vertical Suspension: These commercial LED grow lights can be hung horizontally not only as top lighting, but also vertically as side lighting, which is especially

Plönturækt innanhúss

3 snjallar vaxtarstillingar: Plönturæktunarkerfið innanhúss með 3 mismunandi vaxtarstillingum og fullkomlega gagnvirku stjórnborði fyrir snertiskjá, sem gerir þér kleift að sérsníða mismunandi vaxtarstillingar að þínum þörfum auðveldlega. LED vaxtarljós: Þetta jurtagarðsbyrjunarsett er hannað með hávirku sérsniðnu 20W LED ljósakerfi sem er stillt á sérstaka litrófið fyrir plönturæktun. Hæðarstillanleg: Hægt er að stilla ljósahluta vatnsræktunargarðsins á borðplötunni á hæð til að veita rétta birtu fyrir hverja plöntu. Jarðvegslaus & Vistvæn gróðursetning: Plönturæktunarkerfi innandyra SG01 er hannað fyrir jarðvegslausa gróðursetningu, kemur með vistvænum tanki og gróðurbelgjum sem rækta plöntur í vatni án jarðvegs. Ræktaðu hvaða plöntur sem er allt árið um kring: Hægt er að rækta vatnsræktunargarðinn á borðplötunni allt að 4 plöntur í einu, gerir þér kleift að rækta hvað sem þú vilt á hvaða árstíð sem er á hvaða stað sem er.


High-Efficiency LED Grow Light: Auxgrow small LED lights for plants achieve an efficiency of 2.5μmol/s. Using high-quality LED chips, famous branded LED provides a full spectrum, promotes plant photosynthesis and growth, increases yield, and provides the light and temperature required for plant growth. Simple Structure & Easy Installation: Just hang the UFO LED grow light, and adjust the hanging height according to the growing needs of the plants. Plug it in and it's ready to use. No frequent maintenance is required. Wide Lighting Angle: This UFO LED grow light is designed with 120-degree wide-angle lighting, covering a larger area. In the effective coverage area, LED chips and PPFD are distributed more evenly, and the light received by the plants is more uniform. Perfect for Indoor Plants at All Stages: Small LED lights for plants are best when used in smaller 2x2, 2x3, 2x4, or 3x3 grow tents and closets. It

Vatnsræktaður jurtagarður

Vatnsræktunarkerfi: Vatnsræktunarjurtagarðurinn okkar SG08 losar sig við takmörkun jarðvegsræktunar og grænmetis vaxa í vatni; Einföld stjórnun, engin klúður, engin takmörkun. Stillanleg hæð: Hæð stillanlegrar lyftandi lóðréttrar lamparamma getur náð 26,77 tommum, breytir ljóshæðinni til að hjálpa plöntum að taka upp orku frá LED ljósum. LED vaxtarljós: 34-Watt LED ljós til að líkja eftir sólarljósrófinu og stuðla að ljóstillífun plantna í hvaða veðri sem er. Færanlegur vatnsgeymir: Þessi vatnsræktandi jurtagarður kemur með 4 stk færanlegum vatnsgeymum, hver er búinn 5 gróðursetningarholum og sjónglugga. Tímastilling: Útbúin með tímamæli, sjálfgefin stilling er 16 klst kveikt/8 klst slökkt; Stilltu lýsingartímann að vild, byggtu á því hvaða plöntur þú ræktar.

Single Bar LED

Auxgrow is committed to innovating and developing LED grow lighting technology. This brand new single bar LED grow light GB15 is our latest custom work for growers. Whether you want a single-point light source or bar style grow lights for commercial growing, this grow light bar makes it the perfect choice for creating unique combination patterns. This grow light LED bar changes the traditional grow lighting mode with its unique design concept. Each light bar is a 150W high-performance lighting module. You can stack and combine them freely in the simplest way to get 300W, 450W, 600W, or any power and light effect you need without restriction. This LED plant light bar allows growers to assemble and customize their lighting system as they like. It allows you to combine freely like building blocks. Grow bar light GB15 uses the top red and blue LEDs and a waterproof design, which can

Hydroponic LED Grow

High Energy Efficiency: These overall hydroponic LED grow lights output is up to 2.7µmol/J and 1728µmol/s. This high efficiency of electricity to light not only saves your bill but increases your yield at the same time. More Even Light Distribution: Auxgrow LED grow lighting system FC01E06D is made up of 6 LED bars each of which is 107 watts, it is able to deliver a more even light distribution in a 5ft x 5ft grow tent. The whole dimmable LED grow lights are foldable and can be easily fixed by universal hanging after opening up. 0-100% Dimmable & Daisy Chain: With the VD-100 dimming controller, up to 200 light fixtures can be controlled at the same time, as well as to set up the on/off timing, sunrise/sunset transition. Perfect for Commercial and Home Grower: Hydroponic LED grow lights are perfect for commercial growers using a vertical farming method, as well

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