Two birds with one stoneindoor hydroponic gardens

Do you know indoor hydroponic gardens?It is better to grow flowers, better to grow vegetables. Flowers are well-planted and can be appreciated; vegetables are well-planted, with green branches and tender leaves, and rich fruits, not only for appreciation but also for tasting the fruits of one’s own labor. is comfortable.

However, there is no large land in the city living in reinforced concrete, how to grow vegetables? It doesn’t matter, a small balcony can also fulfill your pastoral dream, bring nature into the room, open up a balcony vegetable garden, plant sunflowers blooming in summer, Silverleaf chrysanthemum in autumn, coleus taro in winter, cyclamen, and tulips in spring. Of course, the most convenient way is to grow vegetables, which can be viewed and tasted.

With the continuous improvement of people’s living standards and quality of life, people also need higher spiritual enjoyment while pursuing species enjoyment. Home furnishings are no longer satisfied with simple room styles, but are more eager to have fresh and green homes.

If you want to have your ownfamily balcony ecological small garden, small vegetable garden, you want to enjoy the satisfaction ofself-cultivation and self-harvesting, and you want a realistic version ofhappy farm, our indoor hydroponic gardens products can make it happen for you.

Our product

About our vertical vegetable garden hydroponics SG43, equipped with an intelligent control system, full spectrum LED grow light, intelligent circulation system, and environmentally friendly materials, it allows you to embrace nature and enjoy growing and harvesting healthy vegetables. Considering that you may not have much time to take care of these vegetable seedlings when you are busy, the indoor hydroponic gardens are equipped with fully automatic irrigation and lighting system, you do not have to worry about fertilization and pests, just fill the reservoir on time.

Feel free to contact us whenever you’ve got a plan. We are a supplier of indoor hydroponic gardens to help you realize your dreams.

Sem stafrænn markaðsstjóri hjá AUXGROW sameinar Jayes ástríðu fyrir vatnsræktunarkerfum og sérfræðiþekkingu í LED vaxtarljósum. Með praktískri reynslu og djúpum skilningi leiðir Jayes þig í gegnum heim sjálfbærrar ræktunar.

Deildu þessari færslu með vinum þínum

Nýjustu vörur

Gróðurhúsa LED Grow Light
snjall LED vaxtarljós stjórnandi
LED Grow Light Smart Controller

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