What is Indoor Hydroponic Smart Garden?

In recent years, the popularity of amateur home gardening in the world has increased significantly. Unfortunately, not everyone has the conditions and time to practice this. Does this mean that we must be satisfied with the withered vegetables in the local supermarket and polluted soil? Auxgrow indoor hydroponic smart garden solved this problem.

indoor hydroponic smart garden

What is the Indoor Hydroponic Smart Garden?

A good way to get rich vegetables and herbs with little effort, time and money,
There is no soil in the equipment: order and cleanliness in the house,
Healthy fresh vegetables,
Simple and reliable cultivation method,
Elegant and simple design,
Feel contented with the results of your painstaking care,
Sharing the blissful moment with family and friends.

Auxgrow indoor hydroponic smart garden is the right product for you.
Your life in a busy city.
Your living area is too small to grow your own garden.
Try to make your apartment more attractive and vibrant.
Anxiety about food safety in today’s environment.
Looking for a credible way to keep food fresh.
You care for children or suffer from food intolerance.
You want to grow your own vegetables and herbs for family use.

What plants can our hydroponic smart garden plant?
Green leafy vegetables-including lettuce, Chinese cabbage, chicory, arugula, spinach and vanilla. Fortunately,if you are a budget grower, the above recommended would be a piece of cake.

The shelf life of lettuce and other leafy vegetables seeds is often very short, and the use ofoldseeds will reduce their germination. Above all, you should pay attention to their shelf life when choosing the plant seeds. With the help of our indoor hydroponic smart garden, you can enjoy the effect of work without spending a lot of time and financial expenditure.

Get into hydroponics now

Á þessum tíma eru margar aðrar ástæður til að fara í vatnsræktun núna. LED tækni er að verða betri og ódýrari, bændamarkaðir eru að springa. Fólk vill að grænmetið þeirra haldist ferskt og heilbrigt. Þeir elska að þekkja bóndann sinn og hvaðan maturinn þeirra kemur.

Þar sem íbúafjöldinn er að stækka rúmfræðilega og matvælaframleiðsla eykst reikningslega, þurfum við að endurskoða hvernig við munum fæða enn 2 milljarða manna fyrir árið 2050. Kannski getur valddreifing matvælaframboðs bannað hluta af svari og vatnsræktun gerir einmitt það. Vatnsræktun getur gert hvern sem er að matvælaframleiðanda allan ársins hring.

Sem stafrænn markaðsstjóri hjá AUXGROW sameinar Jayes ástríðu fyrir vatnsræktunarkerfum og sérfræðiþekkingu í LED vaxtarljósum. Með praktískri reynslu og djúpum skilningi leiðir Jayes þig í gegnum heim sjálfbærrar ræktunar.

Deildu þessari færslu með vinum þínum

Nýjustu vörur

Gróðurhúsa LED Grow Light
snjall LED vaxtarljós stjórnandi
LED Grow Light Smart Controller

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Heimilisfang: Qichuang iðnaðargarðurinn,
No.801 Qiaoxing Avenue, Shatou Street,
Panyu District, Guangzhou

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